How do I do X with the Bloomberg API?

The best place to get info on using the blpapi API provided by Bloomberg is the official documentation. This can be accessed from a Bloomberg Terminal using WAPI <GO>` -> `API Developer's Guide. You can also access the documentation here.

How do I use isin/cusip/sedol?

The default for Bloomberg is to use /ticker. To change this you can explicitly specify the topic, e.g. /cusip/097023105. Documentation on topics can be found in Section 2.3 of the Bloomberg Core Developer’s Guide. The relevant section is included below:

Topic: In the case of “//blp/mktdata,” the topic value consists of an optional topic prefix followed by an instrument identifier. For example, “/cusip/097023105” and “/sedol1/2108601” include the topic prefix, whereas “IBM US Equity” omits the topic prefix. If the topic prefix is not specified, the defaultTopicPrefix of the SessionOptions object is used, which is “/ticker” by default. Therefore, if using a ticker, such as IBM, the security string would be “IBM US Equity,” with the “/ticker” topic prefix is implied. Note: The topic’s form may be different for different subscription services.